Telecommunications is a term associated with technologies. These technologies include such luxuries like cell phones, land lines, satellite phones, radio stations, and television networks. The majority of people in the world can not live without these telecommunications, so much as to people who are having money issues are more likely to give up other luxuries such as buying name brand clothing, eating out at restaurants, or purchasing “play toys” like boats or motorcycles in order for the family to be able to use their cell phones at any point in time, and have 24/7 access to television. There is an extensive need of telecommunications specifically in the field of cell phones where everybody is using more of cell phones instead of the traditional landlines.Mobile phones companies have had a great amount of success with the booming industry. Some companies have made their money through charging unrealistic amounts to customers for unnecessary services and others have made money through having an extremely large customer base because of good services. Cellular phones companies have figured out how to keep new entrants down because of the high cost to start-up a new cell phone company in an area which already has three or four cell phone companies established in the area. This low entrant status has given the existing companies the chance to charge what ever price they want to customers.To be competitive in the cell phone industry, a company must be able to integrate new ways of making the customer feel that they are getting more than what they pay for. Many companies have offered a select number of calling plans. There are many cell phone plans from many different providers. Not all plans will be the same from country-to-country, state-to-state. The United States might charge more in bigger cities than in smaller towns. The United States might also charge more than say any of the European countries because the United States is much larger and has more people. Customers should be aware of what the company is charging the customer and what features and services are offered for free and which are an additional cost to the plan.Cellular phone companies have issues in the telecommunications industry. Some companies have had problems with particular producers and the specific products the companies want from the producers and that company not being able to get the product they requested. Other companies have had issues with people hacking into their systems and stealing information about customers and what websites they view on their internet capable phones. One company in particular is fighting against some hackers that stole their customer’s e-mail addresses of one of the company’s popular product. But even though the company has had issues with their products, the company has still managed to do impeccably well, inventing new products in other industries of the telecommunications world, considering the hack of email addresses could have been a major down set for the company.All in all, cell phone companies have done tremendously well in the telecommunications industry. Although some companies have had to struggle through some bad times, most cell phone companies have gained a competitive advantage in the industry. Their competitive advantage is enough to make others not want to start their own company but to purchase from these successful companies. Cell phone usage is through the roof and will probably continue to rise with newer technologies coming out every single day. Telecommunications is part of people’s everyday lives and people will not be less willing to give it up with the world becoming more and more technologically advanced.
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